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Victor Magumya - 0 of 2 Shares Sponsored

Victor Magumya

Age 9

Gender Male

Language Luganda and a little English

Grade Primary 2

Family Details Victor is Lydia's youngest son, and a joy to all who know him! Lydia has been working for Pillars since the beginning, often without pay, and she does it gladly. Victor was used to being the baby of the family, but now he is enjoying being the big brother to his little sister Skyler.

Hobbies Victor is obedient and respectful, and has a very sweet nature. He loves helping his mom whenever she asks for help. He enjoys playing cars and has a fun group of friends.

Dream Victor's mommy hopes he will become a doctor one day.

Your tax deductible donation will help to provide food, clothing, health care and education for this child. Thank you for partnering with us to give these children hope and a future.