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Gertrude Nakanjako - 1 of 2 Shares Sponsored

Gertrude Nakanjako

Age 19

Gender Female

Language Luganda and a little English

Grade Senior 3

Family Details Gertrude’s parents divorced and her father sent her to her grandmother to raise. During this time the grandmother had many children at her home, so life was not easy. She tried educating Gertrude but failed because she had no money. She heard about Pillars and asked for help. Gertrude came to Pillars in 2016 and joined the choir.

Hobbies Gertrude is a small package of wondrous love. When you taste her food, you will never again ask, “Can Gertrude cook?” Gertrude dances in both the contemporary and cultural choirs and does it with a deep passion. She loves spending time with her friends and they all love her.

Dream Gertrude can handle a lot of responsibility and she is always obedient. Her dream is to become a nurse and help reduce the death rate of children in the community.

Thank you for sponsoring Gertrude. Your donations will ensure she can continue receiving an education in addition to having her basic needs of food, clothing, hygiene and healthcare met.