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Joel Kalumba - 0 of 2 Shares Sponsored

Joel Kalumba

Age 15

Gender Male

Language Luganda and English

Grade Primary 5

Family Details Joel joined Pillars in 2022. When Madinah’s sister passed away unexpectedly the father was left alone to care for his 4 children. We felt that Pillars should come along side this family and help them. Madinah is the co-founder of Pillars and she tirelessly helps those in need. Joel is a “smiley” boy. He translates Luganda to English which is quite amazing for his age. He is quick witted and can do the work of someone older. He loves sweet potatoes and sharing what he has with others.

Hobbies Joel works hard when comes to farming and keeping chickens and goats. He enjoys playing and cheering for his favorite football (soccer) team, Chelsea.

Dream When Joel completes school he would like to become an engineer.

Thank you for sponsoring Joel. Your tax deductible donation will ensure he can continue receiving an education in addition to having his basic needs of food clothing, hygiene items and medical care met.