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Prossy Nakalema - 1 of 2 Shares Sponsored

Prossy Nakalema

Age 12

Gender Female

Language Luganda and English

Grade Primary 3

Family Details In 2017 Prossy became a student at Pillars. Her father passed away, leaving her mother alone to raise 10 children. Prossy’s family lives near the Pillars Ministry, so Patrick, Madinah and the Pillars staff were close by to help them get through their time of grief.

Hobbies Prossy is a sweet little girl, who is shy until she gets to know you. She helps her mom with her younger siblings. Prossy loves dresses and playing with her friends.

Dream Prossy wants to be a nurse when she grows up.

Your tax deductible donation will help to provide food, hygiene products, medical care and education for this child. Thank you for partnering with us to give Prossy and the other children at Pillars hope and a future.