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Skylar Namugumya - 0 of 2 Shares Sponsored

Skylar Namugumya

Age 4

Gender Female

Family Details Have you ever wondered how sunshine can live indoors? Let us introduce you to Skylar, Miss Sunshine herself. When you see her, just know your day will be better. She commands attention, just by being her sweet self. She will gladly accept a sweetie in each hand, because after all she has two hands. Skylar is definitely the “boss” of Pillars and can speak Luganda to adults. She loves carrying her baby doll on her back, just like a Ugandan mama. Her mama, Lydia is a blessing to Pillars, she works without pay with a full heart of love. Lydia knows and understands what it means to be an orphan and to suffer. Her generosity extends past her family and into Pillars and the community.