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Darious Rwothongeo - 1 of 2 Shares Sponsored

Darious Rwothongeo

Age 21

Gender Male

Language Luo and English

Grade Senior 4

Family Details Darious is from Zombo, the Northern part of Uganda called the West Nile. He has no parents and has had a difficult life. His uncle did his best to care for Darious and was able to provide education for him up to Primary 7. The main source of income in this region is as a cattle keeper. In 2018, Darious decided he wanted more for his life and asked if he could go to Pillars.

Hobbies Darious is very talented. He plays the Adungu, a stringed instrument, for the cultural choir. Darious also plays the piano during church. There isn’t much he can’t do when he puts his mind to it, and he does everything with a smile. Darious has a gentle heart for people and animals alike.

Dream Darious dreams of studying medicine and becoming a doctor.

Thank you for sponsoring Darious. Your tax deductible donation will ensure he can continue receiving an education in addition to having his basic needs of food, clothing, hygiene items and medical care met.