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Benedict Kunihira - 0 of 2 Shares Sponsored

Benedict Kunihira

Age 4

Gender Male

Family Details Benedict “Benny” is the youngest child of Pillars Founders Patrick and Madinah Kunihira. He is always smiling and you can't help but smile right along with him. He is friendly and ready to play with anyone who is willing to play with him.. If Benny has his own food, just know that your food looks more delicious to him. He doesn’t know a stranger and believes all people are his friends. We were surprised that he learned to walk, because whoever sees him must pick him up at once. Benny is just a ball of fun and love. His favorite playmates are his siblings, Benjamin, Bettina and Esther. His parents have enough love for all of the children who live at Pillars. They put the children's needs above theirs, and you can tell that their calling is spot on.

Thank you for sponsoring Benny. Your donations will ensure he can continue receiving his basic needs of food, clothing, hygiene and healthcare met.